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Here’s a novel new take on a classic family game……particularly if you happen to have (or know someone with) the last name ROBINSON !!!
It’s the endlessly popular game HAPPY FAMILIES that has been personalized for families who have the surname Robinson.
Watch this:
If you’re not a Robinson yourself, this makes a terrific new gift item. It contains newly illustrated cards that show a Robinson family doing all the wonderful things that families do. The cards are grouped into sets that depict different stages of family life. So you’ll find “Mrs. Robinson the Toddler’s Mother” struggling to preserve her sanity as “Master Robinson the Toddler” inadvertently destroys the family home. Likewise “Mr. Robinson on the car journey” just about manages to stay cool as the family sets off in car loaded to the roof with unnecessary clutter packed while the kids make faces out of the window and start asking “Are we there yet” before they’ve even left home…..
In addition to amusing snapshots of family life, these brilliant new cards are also full of all kinds of interesting bits and pieces to do with the name Robinson: For example, Did you know that the Simon and Garfunkel hit “Mrs. Robinson” was originally called “Mrs. Roosevelt” ? Centuries ago, when surnames were being introduced, the name Robinson was first given to people whose father was called Rob or Robert (not necessarily Robin). Amongst the earliest known instances of a person having the name occurred in 1324 when a “Richard Robynson” was recorded in England……discover more as you play this terrific new card game !!
Here's a quick video to show you the cards:
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The box contains everything you need to play the game. Age Recommendation: For ages 4 or 5 and up. Number of Players: 3 or more. The game is a little smaller than two decks of standard cards. More precisely, the box size is 118mm x 90mm x 16 mm. Box Weight: Approximately 136 grams. Contents: The box contains 72 cards (including cards for playing, cards with instructions and others).
£6.99 £7.99
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